Never Too Old To Dream…


Never Too Old To Dream…

Never too old to dream

Tick-Tock goes the clock….

Birthday for me always had been a ‘self appraisal day’. It is a day that nudges me towards an emotional roller-coaster ride.

As I turn 52 today, I check the clock ticking on the right panel of this blog. For the uninitiated, it was added by my daughter on the home page. I consider her not only my fiercest critic but also the one who gives me magical wings to fly. The count down over there makes me realize that time is running fast. It made me panic initially but kept me on my toes. There are latent dreams yet to be unfulfilled and Tick-Tock-Tick-Tock….goes on the clock.

Old but not your old….

This space has got me thinking. By the time we get past 50 most of us become compulsive hoarders of many bitter sweet experiences. Some of us give up and slip down on a guilt trip about the missed opportunities. Lost in the journey of life let us confess that remorse is the outcome of our own falterings. We become lazy, lose the zeal to live in an empty nest resulting in the lost track of beauty of our dreams.

The year that it was…

Recapitulating the previous year of my life has been a liberating process. It was emancipating from the bondage of guilt and longing.

New targets

Past fifty two years of present life, the only fact I have accepted unconditionally is that time is the only precious thing in life. Moments gone by can never be pulled out of the past but who can stop us from setting new targets! It is all about how to bring inner joy to our soul.

Self analysis

Writing this personal blog had been that new target for me. Each second invested on thoughts about writing my heart out has made me analyze my real self. Self analysis helps one come out of denial mode. It sets one free of all things unwarranted for an all engulfing peaceful life.

Finding your ‘Joy Quotient’

Living each moment for its ‘joy quotient’ made me relish hot samosa and tea despite a bleeding open deep wound while getting towed after the accident. The new mantra for my life is, ‘Do what gives you joy without hurting others’.

Life is full of sadness but it is up to us how we manage a few chinks to bring in smiles and make them a lifetime memory.

 Health matters the most…

transition to a vegetarian way of life is what I call my biggest step towards a wholesome kind life. Finally, coming out of the denial I accepted that a healthy diet should mean a kind diet. A diet, true to your  nature which reflects kindness and love.

Life should not stop at the weighing scale only. Ideal weight without good health is not a good idea at all. ‘Eat mindfully and keep activity level up’…. that is the mantra to lead a good life after 50.

Connect with the subconscious…

If we are able to connect with our own soul, there is no need to look for any other connections for love and hope. The ultimate source of happiness in the previous year was my true connection with my subconscious mind.

Be shamelessly in love with yourself

We survive life not because we love others, but because we are in love with ourselves.

I survive everything because I am unabashedly, shamelessly in love with life and myself.

Cheers to my 52nd year of surviving this ruthless world with hope and faith. Hats off to all the 50+ fighters out there in the world. Keep fighting your weaknesses and come out a winner… Because That is how our stories are meant to end.


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