Alai – Alai, Song With Healing Powers


Alai – Alai, A Song With Healing Powers And Life

Music is in my blood being the daughter of a musician. My first Sitar recital was at the age of seven. I played Raag Yaman and nineteen years later named my first born Yaman. So much for the music in me.

After college I left playing Sitar, (may be Sitar decided to leave me due to my lack of dedication) and got busy with life. Music as a whole could never leave me as I got a wonderful chance to explore it during my stint with Aakashwani as Transmission Executive and a presenter (nowadays known as RJ).

My father used to say that some songs have healing powers and I always believed him without knowing any such song. Music, undoubtedly has the power to calm down, excite, evoke and provoke too. Music had always been fun and emotional experience for me but recently after shifting focus towards inner well being, I had been looking for music online that could heal and bring out in me the peace and solace, I was looking for.

I don’t think there would be any meditation music left on YouTube that I had not checked. Some were good, some just jarring noise and some really disturbing to an already upset mind. I was about to give up when universe/ destiny/ divine (call it whatever you like) brought me to this one composition from ‘Sounds Of Isha’. I am using the term ‘composition’ as I don’t understand Tamil so didn’t understand the lyrics. The joyful composition connected with my heart and soul. The vibration of this song was so powerfully positive that for the first time in my life I danced, cried, laughed, and smiled all together. It was cathartic. I felt light and healed. For a week, continuously listening to it daily (there is one 18 mnts looped version on YouTube), I was feeling healed of my innermost unseen wounds. Every day, like a ritual, I listen to this one song but now there are no flowing tears but just the utmost inner joy stays.

The exuberance of Alai – Alai, as a song With Healing Powers brings smile to my lips and peace in my heart. But before reading ahead, why not listen to this song….

Alai-Alai is a song which sings of joy within and without. Not getting into the details of who created this, why and for whom, just enjoy its healing power.

How ‘Alai-Alai’ heals the soul…

Here are the steps that worked for me and I am sure will generally work for all…

  • Think of your problem and bring out all negativity related to it.
  • Sit quietly with eyes closed in meditation making a conscious effort to let go of that problem. (it’s going to be difficult, but you must try.)
  • There will come a point when your head will be heavy and you will feel exhausted trying to come out of your miserable thoughts.
  • At this point get up and play this song.
  • Keep your eyes closed and try to absorb the feel of the song
  • Then open your eyes and watch the video. (Sadhguru dancing to the song can be overwhelming for some like me)
  • You won’t be able to sit still, so get up and dance…. dance…. and dance…. Be stupid, just jump around like a fool. (I mean it)
  • Cry if you wish to, but be firm that you have to let go of the problem and feel good about yourself.
  • Keep repeating till you feel peaceful and calm in heart and soul.

“Ananda Alai”-The wave of joy.

Healing power of Alai – Alai, is so deeply piercing to the soul that it sows the seed of spirituality. Being part of “Ananda Alai”, Sadguru J V’s MahaSathsangs  series, this song is about ‘Alai’, which means ‘wave’. I never bothered to look for the Tamil lyrics and it’s meaning till I was totally healed of pain and felt like sharing my experience with everyone. For those who wish to know the meaning of this song, here is a brief history of it.

The birth of ‘Alai – Alai’, Song With Healing Powers

Tsunami was a huge destructive forceful wave for human beings but  the fish were not at all bothered by its destruction. Tsunami made the shallowness of life that we live stand exposed. It proved that the surface nature of life can never upset us, if we are deeply rooted to the inner peace and calm, that we can call the hidden consciousness inside each one of us. No wonder this song is known as a ‘Wave of Bliss’!

Alai-Alai (Wave)


Like a wave

The mind runs on
In search of happiness

Without understanding the nature of life

Your desire is just a small fish
But it grows into a whale

And even after catching the whale
You still want another small fish!

The wind blows
The boat rocks
On top of the waves of desire

The heart beats
Life happens
Because of the waves of desire

The waves are only on the surface of the sea
Deep inside, the fish are free

The desires are only on the surface of the mind
Deep inside there is just the dance of ecstasy

When you realize this, you will be blissful
And all the waves will be Waves of Bliss


(Tamil Song Lyrics)

Alai alai alai alai alai alai
Alai alai alai alai alai eṉa
Maṉam dhiṉam adhu ōduthē
Sugam thaṉai adhu thēduthē
Uyiriṉ uṟavu uṇarndhidāamalē
Yelēlō ailēsā yelēlō
Yelēlō ailēsā YēlēlōNethili meeṉa pōla āasai (āahō
Thimiṅgalam pōla adhuvum pēsa (āahō)
Thimiṅgalam thāaṉ pudichu nāaṉē thantha piṉṉum
Nethili vāasam iṉṉum pēsa (āahō āahō)
Kāathu adikkutham’mā
Ōdam asaiyutham’mā
Āasai alaigaḷiṉ mēlē
Uḷḷam thudikutham’mā
Vāazhkai nadakkutham’mā
Āasai alaigaḷiṉāalē (Alai Alai alai…)
Thanthanāaṉē thāṉētham thanthanāṉē
Thanthanāṉē thāṉētham thanthanāṉē

Alaigaḷ ellām Kadaliṉ mēlē dhāaṉē
Kadalukkullē Meeṉgaḷ suthanthiram dhāanē
Āasai ellām Maṉadhiṉ mēlē dhāaṉē
Uḷḷathuḷḷē Āaṉantha thāaṇdavam dhāaṉē
Uṇarnthāalē dhāṉ Uṉakkuḷ āaṉandham dhāṉē
Alaigaḷ ellām Āaṉandha alaigaḷ dhāaṉē (Alai Alai alai…)
Yelēlō ailēsā yelēlō
Yelēlō ailēsā Yēlēlō

(Song and picture courtesy

That was my story of ‘Healing powers of Alai-Alai‘, Do you have any? Share with us here.


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