Cheers To Friendship


Cheers To Friendship

2011 was my life changing year. This was the year when I took the first independent decision in my married life and that was to resign from a measly paying job and take care of my health. It was the year when I lost 30 kg weight and got down to 67 kg from 98 kg. It was the year which made me raise a toast to myself and say “Cheers to friendship”.

This was the year of my biggest personal victory.

  • I had lost weight without spending even one penny on gyms or dietitians.
  • I had got addicted to exercise after years of procrastination. 

In 2014 one fine day, while reading personal weight loss stories of people on internet, I came across a health and fitness website, ‘Indian Weight Loss Blog’. They were inviting blog posts so I just shot a mail to them offering my weight loss story, which I was dying to share with someone.

Soon, I got a positive reply from a lady named TarunPreet. Within no time my weight loss success story was ready with attached ‘Before and After’ pictures  for proof.  After a week or so I received a link which took me directly to my weight loss success story published in the blog. Oh My God! How great was the feeling. I felt like a celebrity.

After that a few more posts related to my healthy lifestyle experiences got me a permanent blog writer status in Indian Weight Loss Blog. This was the time when I got seriously involved with social media, blogging and digital creativity. Those were the days when I was not going out for work outside home as we had recently shifted to Noida from Odisha.  I was looking for some opportunity to keep myself busy and Tarunpreet, my blog owner, my ‘Boss’ was providing me enough. More than anything else, it made me a “cool tech savvy mommy” and then the editor of the blog.

Who knew, a professional acquaintance would so soon change into a personal one. Who knew, one day I would be a partner in the blog which once was just a playground to explore digital world. I agreed and felt good after a long time because it was always my dream to work for myself.

A woman who was 98 kg (not so very long ago) was now writing health related blog posts and had become a mentor to the clients who had joined our weight loss program. The amount of love and respect that I receive from blog followers and weight loss program clients is immense. In terms of personal growth, Tarunpreet’s role is immense in my life.  She is always holding me strong during moments of overwhelming technicalities involved in blogging or troubles of life.

I very firmly believe that some people belong to your soul tribe. They enter your life with a purpose. To this generation kids it is ‘BFF’. She is a buddy with whom I can share anything under the sun. A guide who has taught me and pushed me hard enough to learn a lot about blogging and social media. She is the soul who found me in redress and gave me a reason to live. She is the one who brought me back to my world of words and writing. Today if I am writing this blog, it is all because she introduced me to the world of blogging.

We knew each other in and out without meeting each other even once. After two years of virtual friendship, when we met physically for the first time, it was an instant connect.

I hardly have any friends but young people like Tarun, keep me young. I can’t thank her enough for being my strength whenever I am low. When there is a soul connection, twenty years age gap never matters.  

Cheers to friendship.


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