Indian Blackberry (Jamun) and Spirulina Spread Recipe

Jamun spread

Indian Blackberry (Jamun) and Spirulina Spread Recipe For Diabetes

Life and experimenting with ‘living’ had been my passion since childhood. I am a woman with conflicting interests. Though I always hated science (read Botany) but love to experiment with herbs and traditional practices related to plants and food. Despite of not really interested in cooking regular daily meals; I love to create healthy recipes which should look and taste interesting. In all humility I accept that I am a confused soul, who is not interested in any theories but practical aspects of everything. Be it life or food… Just a thought…. aren’t all Geminis like that? 

Hahaha… and yes I am a big time hoarder of natural foods in freezer. Of course, hoarding sucks especially of bad memories, clothes and things which hinder my efforts to adopt a minimalist lifestyle. Yet I love the hoarder in me when I create interesting smoothies and recipes using non-seasonal fruits and vegetables. I am going to share how to prepare and hoard Jamun in the form of a spread and that is my ‘First Recipe post on Not Your Old’. Jamun spread

Indian Blackberry (Jamun) and Spirulina Spread Recipe

This is the season of Indian Blackberry or Jamun. The name ‘Jamun’ makes me feel so proud of Hindi and India. We use the right word for the things very clearly. Here is a fruit which is purple (Jamuni) in colour and so we call it ‘Jamun’. On the other hand westerners call it ‘Indian Blackberry’… Hmmm! It hardly looks Black then why that name! Oh! they have their own berry called Blueberry so I understand their bias; but they could call it ‘Purpleberry’, Isn’t it? Well, hope no one is judging me for my meaningless thoughts. But still there is a point in that meaninglessness. 😛

Now coming to the point, the recipe….

Ingredients and benefits

  •  Jamun/Indian Blackberry/Black Plum —— 100 gm

Jamun is a wonderful fruit for diabetics. It helps to improve immunity, diabetes and heart health.

  • Spirulina powder —–1 tsp 

Spirulina is a plant-based source of protein which contains all essential amino acids our body needs but can not produce on its own.  It is a blue green algae with an ability to boost immunity, fight allergies, and reduce fatigue. A super food which is a great source of calcium, iron, magnesium, and vitamins A, E, and K. I use Spirulina because  it might be beneficial to me for my arthritis and its related iron deficiency. I feel good with its use since I shifted to almost vegan way of eating.

  • Black salt / Himalayan Pink Salt according to taste.
  • Black pepper according to taste.


  1.  Wash and boil berries in half cup of water in a pan with lid. They can be pressure cooked too.Black berry Spirulina spread
  2. Let them cool down then mash them up with hands to take away all the seeds. By the way, Jamun seeds have medical properties  but that will be in a separate blog post.
  3. In a blender jar add Jamun pulp, Spirulina, Salts and pepper. Blend well with a little water added if required. Jamun Spirulina spread
  4. Adjust salt and pepper according to individual taste.
  5. Store in a small clean jar in refrigerator. If you decide to make a big batch, you can freeze it and store for future use.

Where to use Indian Blackberry (Jamun) and Spirulina Spread

  • As I mentioned earlier I love hoarding food in my freezer, so it is the best thing to make a big batch of this spread and freeze in the ice tray. These cubes can be easily used later on in various healthy shakes and smoothies. All one has to do is add a few cubes with dairy or non dairy milk, curd or butter milk.
  • If making this spread in a small batch for family, go for a nice and refreshing Jamun Raita.
  • Oh! So you are looking for a sweeter taste, add some Gur or Shakkar (Jaggery) and use this spread as home-made Jam for kids or may be as a dressing on their fruit cream or custard. I bet they will love the dash of purple on their bowl.

Fruit cream with yogurt That is my version of yogurt with fruits and Indian Blackberry (Jamun) and Spirulina Spread. It was an instant hit with the family which is really apprehensive of ‘my style of healthy cooking’.  😀

Do share your experience with me here in the comments section.


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