Life; A battlefield to be cherished
They say time flies and waits for none, and so right they are who say so. Reopening this page after a gap of more than one year is like meeting a known stranger and feeling anxious thinking how would you greet and treat one. Let me give it a try.
The past 13 months proved to be the most upsetting phase of my life. The long illness of seniors, deaths, many exposed lies, and a few broken relationships; all made me understand the importance of not taking anyone at face value. Sadness and confusion are the most powerful ways to absorb the most bitter facts of life. The strange thing about grief mixed with confusion is that by the time one is able to comprehend the reality, it is all over. The other day I was just scrolling through my phone when I read a quote that struck a chord with me and I found myself reading and rereading it till it helped me clear my mind. It said, ” The pain will not go away by getting angry or bitter. It will go away when you learn to accept life’s challenges with grace and ease.”
These are difficult times with the whole world shattered due to Covid-19 and its repercussions. These are the times that will expose you to your own vulnerabilities that might pull you down. These are the times to fight pain and sadness and not giving way to despair. Understand your weakness and rebuild it up into a shockproof entity. You are not only your shattered self but also a life with a strong soul.
Most of the time the toughest fight we face is not from outside but within, but life is not a war to be won but a battlefield to be cherished. The biggest winner is the one who survives past mistakes and moves ahead with a conscious effort ensuring never to repeat those.
—– So never ever give up, stand up back for another round to be fought till the shrieking sounds in your head give up to finally declare you a winner.
Ps. This post is dedicated to all those young people who are giving up on life during Covid-19