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Moments called life

The Moments called life by Kanan

Moments called life

Moments called life

“Life is not all about one moment of today. It hides in each one of them sprawled between two moments named birth and death.”

All right that was just a thought I had in my mind for quite some time now but this thought was potential enough to trigger my “Talk out” with myself.

Each morning I throw a new set of words which can be called my ‘Life Questions’. These are the questions that help understand my own inner self better and lead me on to the unending path of self healing. These questions keep my mind busy throughout the day and the answers, help in the healing process…(Yes, we all need healing for one reason or other)

Value the moments called life

The most important lesson, taught by my life experience is to gauge the value of moments in life. There are two basic points of any life; birth and death. In between those two, there are innumerable moments, big and small.

When we step into those moments, it is for us to ascertain their value. We need to decide whether a particular moment which is demanding attention has beauty or utility quotient. Despite all care taken, chances of wrong judgement cannot be denied. From the bouquet of good decisions of today, might turn out to be the worst one after some time. Similarly a choice, we choose to ignore today, might be a missed opportunity for long term happiness.

Most of the times, we get carried away in a particular moment because of our priorities in life. For some, its a well calculated professional dream while for some it might just be a call of emotions. Whatever it might be, there are just two basic questions to be answered honestly….

  • Is this decisive moment really a matter of life and death?
  • Twenty years from now what kind of moments of joy do you see yourself in?

Personally, I had always been an emotional decision maker and life has taught me the hard way, never to get carried away in the heat of a moment. 

One moment dealt in a wrong way might change the whole life track of an individual. I have made wrong decisions related to my career, which I later did repent. As I mull over those decisive moments, I realized that the focal point while making decisions then was just one, my kids. One role of mother changed the track of moments called life. 

Explore, dream, discover

Mark Twain said,” Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Individuals fail to ‘throw off the bowlines’ and ‘sail away from the harbor’ thus making them losers in one field.  Fact is that we never stop dreaming, discovering or exploring, it’s just the focus that shifts according to the demand of a particular moment. 

It is your call to take a decision about your prime role in between those two basic start and end points named birth and death because the moments in between called life is all about creating beautiful memories not regrets. Make each decision a reason to smile not regret. No one is sure about death but life might go on for many moments after the present one.

Love life to live without regrets.

Immortality Or Death

Immortality Or Death by Kanan

Immortality Or Death

Immortality Or Death by Kanan

Till some time back I was in ‘questioning and healing’ mode, so here was another trigger to talk out with my inner self.

  • What is the truth; Immortality or Death?
  • Is there anyone in this world who can be immortal?
  • Why are we looking for Immortality?
  • What is timeless, Death or Immortality?
  • Isn’t Immortality just a ‘Utopia’ created by philosophers?

We wish to be immortal through our actions, words, feelings, thoughts so on and so forth, but can anything live on till eternity? Generations come and go, nothing is permanent in this world. Each and every step that we take after birth takes us towards only one truth and that is DEATH. One who is born has to die. One might be the greatest possible individual whose actions and life might be immortalized in various ways but till when will that individual be remembered? How many generations of people will think of that individual? Three- four- or may be ten – twenty- hundred – thousand —- then — after that what? Immortality is a utopia — a world of dreams which can never be true.

Eternity is Utopia

When we talk of being immortal, aren’t we talking about time? Time goes on and never stops. Agreed but isn’t thinking of being immortal is stretching time too far? Nothing stays till eternity as eternity is nothing and something that is nothing can never be the reality.

Eternity by Kanan

Time is also not eternal it is bound in a loop of life and death. We take birth when our time begins and our time ends with our death. The only constant in this world is the cycle of Life and Death. This is the only eternal and immortal truth. Death is the balancing act of nature and a chance for living beings to refresh and restart their journey in another loop of time.

Death is not an end to life but another chance for life.

Immortality on the contrary is like  walking in a straight line; and walking in a straight line you stay happy collecting shells and pebbles whatever comes your way because there will never be any chance to go back and change what you don’t like. Immortality is accepting your fate and keep moving ahead like zombies without any eagerness to change the situations life threw you in.

Death is change and not accepting your fate as it comes. It is a new chance to relive your dreams in a better way. Death is redemption from your old ‘Karmas’, while immortality a punishment to keep suffering the repercussions of the wrong decisions you took in life till eternity.

Death is a blessing to optimists and I undoubtedly am one because I wish to travel in this one loop of time “Live Love Die” gifted to me by the super power above and then skip over to another loop of “Live Love Die” with the hope of some old unfulfilled dreams to be fulfilled and a new destination to be explored.

What do you feel about Death and Immortality?


Affliction , faith, hope and God by Kanan
Affliction , faith, hope and God by Kanan


An old student who is now a journalist wrote a post on Facebook. It was about the connection between affliction, faith, hope and God. Her words initiated a thought process in me, ” If not anything else, affliction, for many, often marks the beginning of a spiritual journey… (the degree and life of spirituality obviously varies). It’s only after an adversity that we brush off the dust from the God engraved in our mind and engage in a dialogue with Him/Her… Surrendering, but with the hope that S/he would bail us out…It is being selfish… But you need to cling on to something when nothing around you seems to work, right? Maybe that’s why there’s God, so we can just talk it out and HOPE that our deepest dreams would come true quickly…”

Affliction initiates faith and spirituality

How right she is in saying so because we actually come closest to God and try to talk the adversity out with Him, when we have no one around us on whom we can rely. Is it spirituality or just faith and hope? Spirituality, may be no but yes it can be called the initiation of spirituality in our lives.

While I was still thinking about it when another comment popped up which said,”.I think embracing God during affliction is neither spirituality nor hope. Its best we don’t let the Old Guy meddle with our minds.” The choice of words made me smile and comment back,” It’s neither an issue of spirituality or hope nor even about troubling the Old Guy but looking for an anchor during times of hopelessness. Just a survival skill.”

I really wonder how it cannot be related to hope when we know that somethings, some situations are beyond us. We want the scale to tilt our way but in reality we know it can never happen. So feel hopeless ? No, I don’t think so. Life is full of twists and turns and how and when it takes a different turn can never be presumed and predicted.

Popped another comment,” the Old Man may seem like an anchor. But he has only divided humanity. Has led to all the bloodshed and the hatred we know. He is not just an escape but a dangerous Old Man best avoided. Anchor in good friends, parents, siblings or books. Or better still anchor in yourself.”

Faith, spirituality and God

Now, that was it…. I thought. When did the poor ‘Old Man’ ever tell us to shed blood in His name?  Its just a matter of where u find peace and we all differ as far as our life experiences are concerned. Our anchor, our faith and beliefs depend on our life experiences. Like many other things God n faith cannot be generalized. And by the way, why blame poor old man for every wrong in this world. He is above all these petty things. Why drag Him into personal ego issues?  Well, the chat got over (hopefully) but I am still thinking about it….

  • Can Prayers change our destiny?
  • Can we find peace in an unseen force?
  • Does S/He exist anywhere at all?

There are so many unanswered universal questions which keep tricking the strongest believers some time and other.

Faith is personal secret

Faith and belief must be the most closely guarded secret because that is a very personal thought.  Why discuss it with anyone? When we move from affliction to hope, we get liberated and that liberation pushes us closer to our faith in God. If you feel bound to react to others because they are not following your faith, then your faith has no hope.

The Ultimate Jigsaw


The Ultimate Jigsaw

The Ultimate Jigsaw

life is the most intricate puzzle; a jigsaw, no one can solve. When the game is about to end you realize and repent the blunders you made. You strive hard to takeover the game but its all over by then. You fret, you fume and then accept the destiny with regrets.

Is it Destiny?

Life grants you opportunities and if you catch hold of them at the right moment,  then you can be the winner otherwise there is nothing else but repentance written all over your existence. There are many questions that perturb me.

  • What leads to failure despite hard work? Are things just destined to happen like that?
  • Is it humanly possible to recognize those exact moments of opportunities?
  • What makes us grab or lose opportunities? 
  • How important is the role of destiny in human life?

Personally speaking, I am a firm believer in destiny and it’s role in our life. I believe that if we are destined to get something then our every step moves towards it but if you are not, then do whatever you want to, your every step will take you away from it.

My experience tells me, when we feel that all the pieces of this ultimate jigsaw called life are falling apart, things are actually falling in place. When we suffer failure and feel shattered; I believe, somewhere down the lane, the same failure surely proves to be beneficial for us.

If destiny is leading us towards everything, then why work? Why not keep waiting for the destined path to push us towards the right direction? Yes, I do believe in the ultimate role destiny plays in life but I work hard for everything. I work hard to keep internally broken relationships going; to keep underpaid jobs going. I keep dreaming despite a million shattered dreams because at the final moments in my life, I would hate to think that I didn’t make any extra effort to achieve my dreams and goals. I know when my today will become a memory, I will be proud of myself and my efforts not ashamed of myself.

Build Life Not Memories

Each life is a ruthless jigsaw until we figure out the right placement of each moment. We need to do it before it becomes a memory.  Memories might scar our heart but life carries on. They might kill us from inside but life has to go on smooth and uninterrupted on the external. By the end of the day whatsoever pain and heartbreak memories might bestow on us, some part of it will always be heart warming. These are those chosen moments that make us feel vulnerable yet so strong in heart.

Play with life as much as you can for it is the ultimate jigsaw.

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