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Imperfection Is Uniqueness

imperfect is unique

Imperfection Is Your Uniqueness

imperfect is unique

This bird which comes to my backyard daily, is a special one with a distorted beak. There is another thing which makes it special, and that is its fearlessness. Without any fear it comes near my feet to pick up the grains, seeds and random peanut. It boldly hops around my dog’s food bowl to pick on some leftovers and then finally drink water pecking on the dripping water from the tap. Everything it does with expertise with its half open twisted beak. How! Oh, please don’t ask me that because even I am trying to figure that out. There is something so intense in its eyes that doesn’t let me try it’s readiness to fight. Surely this one bird has a strange connect with my life.

That imperfect face

  1. Imperfect is unique

Since the day I was born, till the year 1983, I was known as the girl with beautiful eyes. Looking at my eyes, the day I was born, my grandmother named me ‘Kanan’ as she believed that my eyes were like the vintage Indian actress Kanan Devi’s. Here comes a confession… My eyes gave a kind of boost to my whole being, which shamelessly bordered on vanity. My honey colour eyes made me a vain young girl.

It was during summer of 1983 that I got diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism with Graves disease. Over the period of few months my eyes began to bulge and my whole being came crashing down. After the diagnosis, overnight I was into the deep dungeon of depression. I hid them behind those big photo-chromatic lenses so that no one could comment on them. I was afraid of people’s comments; some full of pity for my ‘once beautiful eyes’ and some nasty ones like, “Have you borrowed goat’s eyes?” It all hurt me but what hurt most when my mind repeated, “Pride hath a fall.” It hurt when I thought of my autoimmune disease as a punishment for my vanity. I wasn’t able to accept it.

I hated everyone around me but more than that I hated myself. Seeing my confidence dying my father decided to visit KGMC, Lucknow. The senior doctor who met us asked me, “Are you upset about your looks?”

“I want my eyes back…” I choked.

“Cosmetic surgery is a possibility but even after spending a lot, there is no guarantee of you getting them back. Go and concentrate on your life goals. And remember, No one is perfect. If you won’t accept yourself the way you are, you have no right to expect that from others. You have big and beautiful eyes and that is what makes you unique. Learn to celebrate it because what you think is your imperfection, that is your uniqueness.”

I wasn’t convinced at that moment but somewhere his words hit me hard. Wasn’t he right in saying that if I am not ready to accept myself with my imperfection, how do I expect people to accept me! It took me a few months to come to terms with my reality but eventually I did. Then a magic happened. Once I accepted myself, it seemed the whole universe accepted and began to appreciate. The “Goat eyes” became “Devi’s Netra” and “eyes straight out of the ancient Indian murals and miniature paintings”.

Imperfect is unique

Now whenever I see that bird with distorted beak, it empowers me. Every time, I dare to look into its eyes, I see that confidence which announces bold and clear…. “F*** you and your distorted vision. I am content with my being different and unique.”

And why not! Isn’t it that uniqueness which makes me so different and special!

Whenever you find unique people around you, don’t make them uncomfortable by your stare like an idiot. Pass on a smile of appreciation, because imperfection is uniqueness.

Some shreds of my life are spread here too:

A New Day Never Fails Anyone With Life Goals

Life goals

A New Day Never Fails Anyone With Life Goals

Robert Browning said, “My sun sets to rise again” and a vain young girl with well ironed life goals smirked, “Well, Mr Browning, every one’s sun sets to rise again.” Little did she know that the sun, she always took for granted would decide to shy away from her sky.

Life is an amazing phenomenon. It kicks you real hard when you think all is going just perfect as planned and if you survive that jolt, you come out a winner. That is why we call it ‘Life Cycle’. I am that vain girl who after being through intense sadness and emotional suffering realized one day that situations don’t change, you have to change your perception. If you look at every life event as just an experience towards your growth, without getting attached, you will never suffer in life. Believe me, it is not as difficult as we think.

If failure and disappointment are dark night, the rising sun is, announcement of a fresh beginning. The recent changes in my life proves right when they say, “There is never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope.” Hope doesn’t mean the perfect ending of your choice but a push towards another conscious effort to move many steps further towards your life goals.  

There was a time when I used to get overwhelmed watching the setting sun as I considered it the sad end of another day in my life. Now, I cherish the same view just because my perception of things are changing. Setting sun now is hope for me of a new day, a new life experiences.

Failure and success does not matter to those who consider life as a constant journey. A journey that makes you imbibe your truth by outgrowing old ideas is always a grand success. If you refuse to find your self back from the twisted reality that you see as “your” life, then your life journey would be a meaningless failure.

Life tests you, tires you off, so rest if you must but never quit making a new effort. All that you need is clear goals for your life, sharp focus and relentless conscious efforts. If you have dared to dream, then you have to keep taking steps forward until you reach your goal. Each small step in the scorching heat matters if taken with faith and conviction.

Remember, a new day never fails anyone. All you got to do is take that first step towards your life goal and keep moving ahead.

Few chunks of my life can be found here-

How Life Without TV Taught Me Living


Life Without TV Taught Me Living

Nowadays on social media we see so many amusing pictures announcing, “You are 80’s/90’s kid if you have done this or that.” Some pictures are related to games, some about old time snacks but what I really smile seeing are the pictures of old television sets.

We got our first black and white television in 1979 and believe me our lives changed after that. We became better children and our parents started having their way with us. Anything our parents wanted us to do came with a rider…

“If you finish this task, then you will be allowed to watch TV in the evening.”

Yes, TV for kids was available only in the evenings, never at night. Those were the days when we could not do anything about it as along with TV entered the TV stand with shutter cover that could be locked. We could never dare to ask our parents, where they hid the key. Why! I don’t know, may be we always felt indebted to our parents for providing us the best possible they could and asking anything more was not correct.

Life without TV became unimaginable

I can’t say if we grew up with television or television grew up with us but life without TV became inconceivable over the period of time. Television came as an extraordinarily magical thing though now I feel, had it not been there I could be a better read and learned person, doing much better in life, professionally and personally. Various crafts and reading, which I was so fond of, took a backstage with the growing interest in series and movies on TV.

As a parent too, I stand guilty of teaching my kids getting things done my way through bribing though they in turn learnt the ‘art of negotiation’.😊

“Finish your homework then you get half an hour to watch TV”, I would offer.

“No, mom, that homework will take more than two hours to finish. We will do it, if you let us watch TV for one hour”.

They would try to negotiate for 50{ded759bd01f8bbd6e80ef72a3f712ac3f66882318c37a869eaabdd16d0df1e38} stake and finally we would invariably end up with 60:40. Today I feel bad about it but during those days I thought it was better to negotiate than the embarrassment of pulling your kids out of neighbour’s house, watching TV during their outdoor playing time.

Kids grew up but TV …!

Once the children grew up, I felt that finally it was the perfect time to watch news and series without any tension of getting homework completed. Within a short time I realized that it was not the same TV anymore that I always craved for. The news which earlier brought the world in the living room sounded like a visit to the fish market, while music, just ugly noisy remixes of old melodies. All the funny and intelligent series were replaced by the exaggerated unending sas bahu sagas or real life crime stories.

I lost interest in TV as it gave me anxiety and panic attacks with the stories about the big bad world and the spoilt youth of today. Afterall, I too had kids growing up in the same world.

The noise during the so called news debates gave me migraine attacks. The rosy dreams of watching TV at night with a bowl of popcorn and a cup of coffee was already down the drain. Then I happened to stay with my husband in a quiet and small cantonment for a few months. I had a choice of having a TV connection but for some reason I decided against it. The only idea behind it was just a little detox from city life.

I discovered living….

I believe that this universe has different ways to make you realize your innermost hunger and thirst of leading a conscious life. It shows you the right path leading to personal development.

As a teenager I was addicted to 24/7 music. My parents used to be fed up of the noise all the time. For a family deeply rooted in Indian classical music, western music was nothing more than noise. Then came in disco music which became a cause of tussle between me and my parents.

“Why do you have to listen to this noise all the time?”

“… Because I want to shut the noise within…” (Bahar ke shor se andar ke shor ko dabane ki chahat hai) I would reply dramatically. I laugh at myself remembering the kind of drama queen I was. The fact remains that I was actually thinking on those lines.

Now in my 50s, loudness of any kind hurts my being. I love the chirping birds, parrots jumping on the keekar tree (Yes, they poop on my head at times.)  The sound of woodpecker pecking on the trees and little squirrels hopping around the garden amuse me.

My Life without TV… 

In the last six months, I have not watched any TV and oh! boy, did I lose on anything! Nope, I don’t think so.

Previous six months without TV have made me understand the language of silence. Since long I had been contemplating to do some meditation but TV never let me do it. Now since I sleep in time at night, I wake up early and spend some time meditating, reading and enjoying hot adrak wali chai wrapped in a shawl with my pet baby’s head on my lap. It is heaven, believe me.

This is what I do outdoors…

Life Without TV walk at night

It is really fun to go for a walk on a winter night when it is foggy outside and look for that one perfect click.

Is it really hard to give up TV? No, because when I go back to my city home, I don’t remember to switch on the TV. Once I tried but couldn’t handle the negativity spread all over the news channels and family dramas.  

Things I did In life without TV….

These are the things I achieved in life without TV

  1. A quieter house with no fights about changing channels.  
  2. I spend some quiet reading time daily.
  3. More time for self analysis and conscious decision making.
  4. I have become more patient with my partner. 
  5. I have started writing more and better.
  6. I am getting better quality sleep.
  7. My house is better organized (with me remembering where did I keep my stuff ‘Safely’)
  8. I know bad things happen in this world but I have stopped being paranoid thinking that it might one day happen to my children.
  9. Political parties don’t matter to me anymore as I don’t get to hear and see idiotic “Pappu” and “Mitron” jokes anymore.
  10. I go for enjoyable walks with my dog and husband as I am never in a hurry to reach home and watch KBC or Big Boss. 
  11. One weekly movie that I watch in the cantonment theatre is the most pleasurable experience these days, which I look forward to.
  12. Not having a TV is perhaps the best thing that has happened to me as life without TV made me take mindfulness seriously.

With the elimination of TV, I have eliminated negativity from my life and there is a kind of clarity of thought that has taken place of confusion. My life feels better when I spend time outdoors enjoying little things like clicking pictures of rising or setting sun, recording sounds of chirping birds or just listening to some real good audio books while walking.

Who knew that removing the innocent looking entertainment tool could make life a meaningful living experience in just six months. My life without TV really taught me living in the truest sense.

Alai – Alai, Song With Healing Powers


Alai – Alai, A Song With Healing Powers And Life

Music is in my blood being the daughter of a musician. My first Sitar recital was at the age of seven. I played Raag Yaman and nineteen years later named my first born Yaman. So much for the music in me.

After college I left playing Sitar, (may be Sitar decided to leave me due to my lack of dedication) and got busy with life. Music as a whole could never leave me as I got a wonderful chance to explore it during my stint with Aakashwani as Transmission Executive and a presenter (nowadays known as RJ).

My father used to say that some songs have healing powers and I always believed him without knowing any such song. Music, undoubtedly has the power to calm down, excite, evoke and provoke too. Music had always been fun and emotional experience for me but recently after shifting focus towards inner well being, I had been looking for music online that could heal and bring out in me the peace and solace, I was looking for.

I don’t think there would be any meditation music left on YouTube that I had not checked. Some were good, some just jarring noise and some really disturbing to an already upset mind. I was about to give up when universe/ destiny/ divine (call it whatever you like) brought me to this one composition from ‘Sounds Of Isha’. I am using the term ‘composition’ as I don’t understand Tamil so didn’t understand the lyrics. The joyful composition connected with my heart and soul. The vibration of this song was so powerfully positive that for the first time in my life I danced, cried, laughed, and smiled all together. It was cathartic. I felt light and healed. For a week, continuously listening to it daily (there is one 18 mnts looped version on YouTube), I was feeling healed of my innermost unseen wounds. Every day, like a ritual, I listen to this one song but now there are no flowing tears but just the utmost inner joy stays.

The exuberance of Alai – Alai, as a song With Healing Powers brings smile to my lips and peace in my heart. But before reading ahead, why not listen to this song….

Alai-Alai is a song which sings of joy within and without. Not getting into the details of who created this, why and for whom, just enjoy its healing power.

How ‘Alai-Alai’ heals the soul…

Here are the steps that worked for me and I am sure will generally work for all…

  • Think of your problem and bring out all negativity related to it.
  • Sit quietly with eyes closed in meditation making a conscious effort to let go of that problem. (it’s going to be difficult, but you must try.)
  • There will come a point when your head will be heavy and you will feel exhausted trying to come out of your miserable thoughts.
  • At this point get up and play this song.
  • Keep your eyes closed and try to absorb the feel of the song
  • Then open your eyes and watch the video. (Sadhguru dancing to the song can be overwhelming for some like me)
  • You won’t be able to sit still, so get up and dance…. dance…. and dance…. Be stupid, just jump around like a fool. (I mean it)
  • Cry if you wish to, but be firm that you have to let go of the problem and feel good about yourself.
  • Keep repeating till you feel peaceful and calm in heart and soul.

“Ananda Alai”-The wave of joy.

Healing power of Alai – Alai, is so deeply piercing to the soul that it sows the seed of spirituality. Being part of “Ananda Alai”, Sadguru J V’s MahaSathsangs  series, this song is about ‘Alai’, which means ‘wave’. I never bothered to look for the Tamil lyrics and it’s meaning till I was totally healed of pain and felt like sharing my experience with everyone. For those who wish to know the meaning of this song, here is a brief history of it.

The birth of ‘Alai – Alai’, Song With Healing Powers

Tsunami was a huge destructive forceful wave for human beings but  the fish were not at all bothered by its destruction. Tsunami made the shallowness of life that we live stand exposed. It proved that the surface nature of life can never upset us, if we are deeply rooted to the inner peace and calm, that we can call the hidden consciousness inside each one of us. No wonder this song is known as a ‘Wave of Bliss’!

Alai-Alai (Wave)


Like a wave

The mind runs on
In search of happiness

Without understanding the nature of life

Your desire is just a small fish
But it grows into a whale

And even after catching the whale
You still want another small fish!

The wind blows
The boat rocks
On top of the waves of desire

The heart beats
Life happens
Because of the waves of desire

The waves are only on the surface of the sea
Deep inside, the fish are free

The desires are only on the surface of the mind
Deep inside there is just the dance of ecstasy

When you realize this, you will be blissful
And all the waves will be Waves of Bliss


(Tamil Song Lyrics)

Alai alai alai alai alai alai
Alai alai alai alai alai eṉa
Maṉam dhiṉam adhu ōduthē
Sugam thaṉai adhu thēduthē
Uyiriṉ uṟavu uṇarndhidāamalē
Yelēlō ailēsā yelēlō
Yelēlō ailēsā YēlēlōNethili meeṉa pōla āasai (āahō
Thimiṅgalam pōla adhuvum pēsa (āahō)
Thimiṅgalam thāaṉ pudichu nāaṉē thantha piṉṉum
Nethili vāasam iṉṉum pēsa (āahō āahō)
Kāathu adikkutham’mā
Ōdam asaiyutham’mā
Āasai alaigaḷiṉ mēlē
Uḷḷam thudikutham’mā
Vāazhkai nadakkutham’mā
Āasai alaigaḷiṉāalē (Alai Alai alai…)
Thanthanāaṉē thāṉētham thanthanāṉē
Thanthanāṉē thāṉētham thanthanāṉē

Alaigaḷ ellām Kadaliṉ mēlē dhāaṉē
Kadalukkullē Meeṉgaḷ suthanthiram dhāanē
Āasai ellām Maṉadhiṉ mēlē dhāaṉē
Uḷḷathuḷḷē Āaṉantha thāaṇdavam dhāaṉē
Uṇarnthāalē dhāṉ Uṉakkuḷ āaṉandham dhāṉē
Alaigaḷ ellām Āaṉandha alaigaḷ dhāaṉē (Alai Alai alai…)
Yelēlō ailēsā yelēlō
Yelēlō ailēsā Yēlēlō

(Song and picture courtesy https://isha.sadhguru.org)

That was my story of ‘Healing powers of Alai-Alai‘, Do you have any? Share with us here.

Breaking Stereotypes

Youth breaking stereotypes

Breaking Stereotypes

In the last five years, staying in NCR had made me worry about the path our youth is walking on. Evenings and weekends are meant to “Chill” for them and what this chilling on weekend means is visible from the plunging cash registers of various pubs and fancy clubs. Young men and women smoking openly without any inhibitions is a common site these days despite the rules against smoking in public. No, I am not judging anyone but just wishing them to at least think of their health if not about following rules and regulations.

When fear makes us feel strong..Really!!

Youth breaking stereotypesI had always been a very “God Fearing” person… Wow! Isn’t that strange that our ‘fear’ makes us feel strong and good about ourselves! That makes me realize that my generation (Baby Boomers and Sandwich Gen) in general has always lived in some kind of fear…. fear of parents; teachers; society; not getting a govt job in time; not getting married at the right age; not becoming parents within the stipulated time; so on and so forth. When did we actually live? The bitter truth is that most of us don’t even know what actually living is. We are all alive but never living. Isn’t that tragic?

I had been a very strong person but with age catching on, that strength seemed to be losing grip from every aspect of life. With the growing responsibilities, a mother kept growing stronger than that happy little girl, who got lost in the humdrum called life. Not getting much into personal details, let me just cut to today as I work towards being aware of the pure consciousness, that is me.

From fear to love….

I always had an urge to learn meditation. In my 20’s parents said that it was time to study, make a career and get settled. Once married, the new family said that it was time to take care of family and bring up children. There entered the fear to hurt family taking independent decisions for my joy. Only logic I could gather from all was, “When you are not able to do anything else in life, then it’s time to sit and meditate.” Oh! now that was just too much to accept and agree to. I decided, it was time for breaking age related stereotypes. 

Finally, at the age of 52 I thought of ‘living life’… yes, you read it right; after wasting 52 years of my life, I was just thinking of living. Weird, isn’t it! So with kids generally on their own, the first thing I did was from being ‘God Fearing and religious’ moved over to being ‘Spiritual’.

Learning with two leagues apart….

Google being the best friend and guide, helped begin my search with some nice YouTube guided meditation videos. While on that journey I got to know of various spiritual gurus and ways of meditation but there were two individuals, I got enchanted with.

First,  Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev…The very famous and enlightened 61 years old Indian mystic and founder of Isha Foundation, the non religious organization. His voice soothes hearts and touches souls.

Second, a young 26 years old girl Kartika Nair.breaking stereotypes

She is the founder of ‘SynchroShakti’ a personal development brand. Kartika runs a business but with her heart and ethics in place and that makes her special to me.

Both of these leaders have brought solace to my jumbled mind. They made me aspire to achieve my goals and kept me grounded too. One thing about both Sadhguru and Kartika, that amazes me is the number of young people following both of these leaders. Staying in NCR and observing the rotten youth culture this comes as a pleasant relief.

Being part of live videos of Sadhguru and Kartika I always see some really young ‘men’ breaking age and gender stereotypes through spirituality. This sight makes me heal better out of the belief that spirituality and meditation are meant to be taken up after crossing 55-60 years of age but here I get so positively charged watching and communicating with people in their 20s and 30s taking living so passionately.

Youth is synonymous to life, adventure and exploration. As Sadhguru says, “There is so much adventure that only a youth can experience. Youth is not the time to languish in pleasure – youth is the time for exploration and adventure.” Having seen youth exploring, exploiting and being adventurous with their physical selves, it is so blissful finding young men and women exploring spiritual adventure. Hats off to the enlightened spiritual leaders like Sadhguru, who are leading the young power force of India on the right path.

And yes, how can I forget young coaches like Kartika Nair ‘Synchroshakti’. Kartika, I can vouch for, is one such flag bearer for today’s youth who is boldly breaking stereotypes and consolidating various tools of self discovery in her own ways.

Kudos to this shift in the adventurous spirit of youth. I feel relieved that not all is lost; there is still a lot of hope. This world is surely going to be a better place for the future generations.

I shared bits of my life here too…

Can You Change Life In One Moment?


Can You Change Life

In One Moment?

One moment can change life

‘Yes, One Moment Can Change Life’

(A step in self development)

In the past few months I had been dabbling a lot with mind control and inner peace. Thinking of the spiritual reality made me feel so  exhausted that I aborted the effort many times. Believe me, it is very easy to control others but controlling own mind is the most difficult task in the world.

Recently, I realized that one moment can change life if you become aware of what is happening inside you. This happened after I found Ho’Oponopono prayer. 

Who doesn’t have problems in life, but how many of us analyse the situations we are in without judging and blaming others! I too have various issues with my relationships with others as well as myself. After contemplating a lot about the life problems, I took a step towards redemption by making an effort to zero down everything to that one ‘rift causing trigger point’. That exercise made me think of getting control over that one moment which can change life. 

We are our past memories….

We human beings are what our memories have made us. All this data called memory, carve our personalities. Let me be honest, it took me a lot of effort to understand and internalize this basic truth. I tried meditation but thanks to my ‘Monkey Mind’, I repeatedly failed in all my efforts to concentrate.

I was a broken soul, continuously shattering into smaller bits with every passing day. All I wanted was an anchor and belief that life was not going to be always the same. My sixth sense told me that times are going to get better, but how! I wasn’t getting any clue about it.

Meditation went out of question so I thought of finding some other easier way to begin with. Then I found another way to handle life better. I asked myself a question…

Why do I get triggered in a conflicting situation?

The answer to this question made me understand myself better and get the hang of things more efficiently. Thus began my ‘self processing’ that made me conclude that the cause of all the turmoil in life was my EGO.

It was my ego that was getting hurt by others’ words and actions. Once pricked, it became the most difficult to be controlled. Every time someone judged me or acted against my wish, I lost my temper as it hit my ego. I was not ready to give up my ego because my past memories, that created my personality were too deeply embossed inside me. The only way out is clearing those memories.

Is it really that easy to clear all memory data from your mind?

Surely not. Then, what to do, I thought. This was a real challenge. Then wisdom prevailed and I got a way out. The easy trick was that whenever I saw a provocative trigger, I asked myself this question…

“Is this provocation meant to hurt my ego or me?”

Strangely enough, the moment I separated my ego from myself, things began to change. This one question made my ego a shield to protect the real me. I might be wrong in using my ego as a protective shield or a guard but that was something which worked for me.

Today I understand that ‘ego’ is not my reality. People can shatter my ego not me. This detaching of ego from me became my first step to clear my past memory data.

Control that one moment that can change your life

It is a long process, a lifelong one. My past memory data is being handled with the help of Ho’Oponopono prayer. The moment my ego gets hit, I begin to ask forgiveness for not being aware about my past memories causing the present. Asking for forgiveness reminds me of my humility leading to gratitude towards one and all.

Control on that one decisive moment makes ego take a back seat and I get the power to control my mind and situation. That changes everything for me.  It is as easy as that.

If you feel that life is being unfair to you, try this and like me you too can regain control and change life. All one needs is to take the first step and own responsibility of everything that is happening within and without oneself.

Next time when your vices get triggered, take a moment to think… Would you like to be a victim to your ego?

Remember, Peace begins with you.

If you like this post please share with everyone who is in need. Don’t hesitate to ask for help and assistance for your relationship issues… I am all ears. 

Cheers and peace.

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